It's time for another 2015-A Stitch From Stash Check In! Now that we're in April, I think we only have like two months left in the "A" period, don't we? So if you didn't manage to join at the beginning of the year and want to maybe join up for the second half, be thinking about that.
Month: April
Spent: $31.44
Earned: $12.00
So here's a breakdown of what I bought for that large "spent" number. Luckily, I have 3 earning pieces this month, so I know I won't go over budget even though I did buy a few things.
Purchase #1: Kawaii Winter Sampler by Frosted Pumpkin - $16.95 (no longer available)
So technically I bought this in March, but since I purchased it after I had written my check in post, I added it on to this month. I've had this on my wish list for awhile; for some reason I like this winter one much better than the other seasonal samplers they've done in the same vein. Anyway, this pattern was being discontinued, so it was definitely an impulse buy because I wanted to get it before I no longer had the opportunity to do so. It is very cute and I'm not sorry that I purchased it at all, but I wish FP patterns were a little less expensive and fit into my budget plans a little bit better. I have to wait until they go on sale to grab them normally, and I just couldn't swing the purchase 5 pattern requirement to get a discount this time.
Purchase #2: Don't Wanna by
Labor of Love Designs - $8.50
Yet another impulse buy. Have you heard of the
online Needlework show? It's great for those of us who don't get to go to great needlepoint shows like Nashville (although geographically I'm finally in a spot where I might be able to go someday, financially it's another story). Anyway, the idea is the about the same, although vendors post picture of their new products online for stitchers to view, which they can then place orders through their favorite local needlework stores. Sadly, I think it's closed now, but it's a bi-annual thing, so it will be back sometime in the Fall.
Anyway, Labor of Love Designs was a new designer for me, and I just fell in love with this curmudgeonly cat. Since I don't have local LNS near me that carries these patterns I was able to order it directly for a PDF, which was nice.
Purchase #3:
I Know I'm Right by Ursula Michael - $5.99
I think I mentioned over the last few weeks how much I love owl patterns? Like, a lot. And I also mentioned how much I enjoy Ursula Michael's designs. So when Ursula released this as a download from crosstitch.com about a week ago, I had to get it. It's perfect pattern for me. And as my Mom asked last week, "don't you ever stitch anything for yourself?" Well no, I haven't really been stitching anything I plan on keeping lately, so this was a good chance to get something for me, but that could be rationalizing spending (oops). Between the colors and the saying it was a no brainer. Mom has always called me Little Miss Know-It-All, so this will fit right in in my room.
Since this post is getting really long already, I'll do a separate one tomorrow to show off my finishes for the month. I had three finishes, each earning me $4 each.
- Hoppy Spring by Tiny Modernist (41 x 57 stitches)
- Friends for Life from CrossStitcher Magazine (61 x 41 stitches)
- Egg Topiary by Stickule (48 x 59 stitches)
Like I said, full pictures and report coming tomorrow on those last two since I haven't posted my last update for either yet.
So with all that, here's a complete record of where I am now:
Starting balance from March: $11.55
April budget: $25
Finish bonuses: $12
Total: $48.55 to spend in April
- Total stash purchases: $31.44
Ending balance: $17.11
Well, at least my ending balance number keeps going up. Anyway, that's it for me this month. And although I've stayed under
budget, I need to remind myself to be better about NO SPENDING period.
Sigh. But at least if I'm spending I'm keeping it low. And it is nice to reward oneself sometimes, isn't it?