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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Watching for Catterflies (and updates)

I haven't done a stitching update in a while since the A to Z Blogging Challenge has been taking up most of my attention this month.  So I figure it was an update. 

I hope all of you are enjoying the spring weather.  Here in Mississippi it's been almost perfect the past few days.  I'm just sad when the nice weather will end and it will start getting humid again.  Because if there's one thing I've learned since moving here from California last June is that the humidity in the summer NEVER ENDS. 

But right now everything is green and pretty, and we've even been able to keep the windows open and the air off the past week or so.  And of course, with spring you need to be on the lookout for Catterflies...

For those of you who've started following recently, this is Brownie, my mascot and namesake of Brownie's Chair.  This is a pic of him in his Catterfly outfit (it's really just a headband around his middle) that I took during a past spring.  He actually stood still long enough for me to snap this picture before tossing it off.  Little darling. 

But now for the stitching updates.  Egg Topiary is sadly still not done.  I just have to finish up the green egg (the purple pot has been finished since this pic was taken).  As you can see, I didn't get nearly as much done on this last weekend as I wanted to. 

Friends for Life is also coming along.  The dog has several colors on him now, and you can even start to see the outline of his head and nose (sort of).  This is definitely a piece that will greatly benefit from the backstitching.  I am starting to worry quite a bit though, since I need to mail this off Monday and obviously the stitching is going much, much slower than I originally hoped for!  INITIATE PANIC MODE NOW!!!!!!

I feel a cold coming on today too.  Sore throat and wheezing in my chest, with a little bit of a rattling chest cough.  Maybe I'll get lucky and it will turn out to just be allergies.  Either way, I just need to get through the week...

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  1. OMG! Brownie is so cute!!! And what a good little model to let you take a picture. :)

    1. Well, yes and no. It was mostly a bit of lucky camera snapping. Usually he doesn't stand still long enough for me to get non-blurry pictures, haha.

  2. Your Brownie is adorable Alyssa. Nice progress on your projects.


  3. Good luck! I'm stitching on a deadline right now too I'm not going to make it but I want to get it done ASAP

  4. Monday, yikes! I'm sure your needles are on fire now. And Brownie looks so skeptical about his pretty wings. Silly cats, why can't they just appreciate our need to dress them up occasionally. :D

  5. Catterfly is awesome! Good luck with your deadline, you can do it girl!

  6. Good luck finishing and very handsome cat.
