For those of you who don't know what DESIGN is, it's a monthly feature hosted by Leonore Winterer of the blog Needle, Pen & Sword. The acronym stands for Designer Everybody Should Instantly Get to Notice, and each month, different participants post a series of questions about a favorite/new needlework designer they've been working on.
What designer do you want to talk about this month?
As I said, I tend to be a little indecisive about who to feature every month. So when looking through my WIPs and projects from this month, I came across the Cheryl from Tiny Modernist and decided that might be a good choice. So I set off to learn more. Come to find out I'd seen a few of her designs before in several cross stitch magazines, so she wasn't as new to me as I thought.
Have you stitched a project by this designer before?
This is my first stitching experience with a Tiny Modernist pattern. I just finished a project I called Hoppy Spring (originally called Happy Easter) as part of a spring exchange. I had also featured one of her patterns for my Free Pattern Friday post back in February, a raccoon with a heart that I love (no pun intended) but I have not had a chance to stitch it yet.
Would you buy/stitch a design by this designer again? Why/Why not?
Um, yes, most certainly this will not be my last project by Cheryl. If for no other reason I need to stitch that raccoon. Hehe. But seriously, I love this ice cream design, and it will totally end up on my to-stitch list, just as soon as I get some wiggle room in my Stitch from Stash budget...

The Tiny Modernist blog features a whole bunch of really neat free patterns. Originally I found the raccoon pattern through Pinterest, and then when I was looking for a pattern to use for my spring exchange, something about that easter bunny just called out to me. I think I was drawn to Cheryl's use of color and shape, especially in that bunny design.
Did you notice anything that distinguished this designer from others?
Tiny Modernist definitely has a modern feel to the patterns, so it was aptly named. There are pretty much no fractionals, and only minimal backstitch. It's more of what I would call "color blocking" style. It reminds me a bit of Satsuma Street designs, but Cheryl definitely has her own spin on things.
I also love the wide variety of patterns the store has, from modern designs, to vintage/retro, to holiday, to travel, and the variety of designs from samplers to biscornus, to smaller designs. There's a bit of something for everyone.
You can find the free Tiny Modernist designs at the blog page for freebies, and you can purchase Cheryl's patterns for direct download from her website, or you can find paper versions at your local/online needlework store.
Happy stitching until next month!