Wow, I seem to be posting a lot lately. Hmmm, don't know if I'll be able to sustain that all throughout this month, or if I'm just lucky on time at the moment. Also, when you're doing mini projects I find I have to post progress pictures quick, lest they get finished and I have no in-between photos to share. But in progress pics are cool. :)
Here's the start of the second-to-last Mill Hill kit I have to get done this year for ornaments for family for Christmas. I of course have like 13 more kits to do for friends and family period, but I have resigned myself to the fact that if they do not get done this year, that will be okay.
Although this one design is mostly red, for some reason I decided to start with green, so it's not much to look at yet. Each one of those letters will be checkerboard with beads/not beads, so it's going to be a lot of work on this one I think.
Perhaps a new progress pic for this one to come Thursday in my Mini Mega Month Madness SAL update this week.
I have no idea what it's going to be yet! One of those great things a progress pictures, they start to take shape. :)