I've been gone for quite awhile, and I know that I said in my last post I would try to update more often. December got really crazy with us having my soon to be sister-in-law come visit for Christmas, and I got sick with a cold at Christmas and then with flu and another cold in January, and things just got away from me.
The truth is, I've kind of been intimated by my own blogging goals, which made it even easier to just keep putting the updates off. Despite not blogging, I have been stitching and keeping photo progress too, I just have been too intimated to come back and post here.
For the Crazy January challenge this year, I did 31 starts of those little free kits that come with the cross stitch magazines. I have a lot hanging around and I figured it was time for me to do something about them. But when I thought about coming on here to post my progress, it just seemed like more of a chore than anything else. And then more and more progress has happened since then, and it only complicated things further.
So I've decided, it's time for a fresh start. I'm not going to worry so much about showing each and every one of my past progress photos, but instead focus on sharing more current stitching (that frankly I'm more excited about. The CJC projects I picked felt more tedious than anything else by the end of January).
The World of Charity Stitch group I'm a part of on Facebook recently did a Bunny themed challenge. And looking through my patterns apparently the only thing I have more of than bunny charts is cat charts. So I started 4 different squares (and planned to do many more! But ran out of time...). So my recent stitching is full of bunnies.
Here's the beginning of Woodland Bunny by Lucie Heaton:
I literally started this stitching and got this far while having a 100+ degree fever as a result of the flu! Next is a cute little springtime themed bunny from Durene Jones:
The bonus thing is that this bunny also has several daffodils in it, which are one of my favorite flowers. Next up is a Winter Bunny chart by Ursula Michael:
The other two bunnies were very stylized/cartoony, so I felt like this realistic bunny was a nice change.
And last up because I was sick of brown and white, I found a blue bunny from an old Carolyn Shores Wright leaflet called Snugglebunnies:
So that's mostly what I've been working on recently. I'll try to do better about posting pictures of my progress. I did also make some progress on two other things, but since they are presents I better wait to show pictures until after they have been gifted.
Happy stitching everyone!