First of all, lots of Round Robin stitching. I finished up the last project in my sampler round robin, which was a couple bands from Just Nan's Queen of the Needle design:
I feel really blessed that I didn't get a part with lots of specialty stitches, because they really intimidate me. As it was, this was my first time doing eyelets (the yellow center of the purple flowers) and I think they turned out okay.
I also finished up another part in the Lizzie Kate Round robin. This was the Give Santa Cookies part of the Christmas Rules series:
I just love these patterns, I can't wait to stitch them myself (when I have a chance to pull them out of my stash cupboard). I thought pink was an odd choice of color for the cookies though. (shrug)
I also spent quite a bit of the last month working on my first project for the Etsy Round robin I joined. This one was half of a purple sugar skull:
I have to say, this pattern was one of the reasons I am distrustful of people selling patterns on Etsy. Pretty much it looked like the graphic was just fed into a cross stitch conversion program. It really could have used quite a bit of cleaning up (in my opinion) to remove some of the confetti and make the design much more symmetrical. I was happy when this one was over. It pretty much drove me crazy.
In addition to the round robin pieces, I have made a bit of progress on a few other things. Best Friends Share has progressed from a random orange blob to two kitties and the start of a basket:
And more purple has been filled in for Singing Owl. This pattern has so much fill in!
But at least the stomach is done now. I had to put this one down for awhile and take a break though.
Next up, I'm working on the next Lizzie Kate RR piece and the next Etsy RR piece. Also, I really, really need to get started on my planned Christmas gifts for this year if I have any hope of finishing them by the end of the year!