Hello readers! I hope you haven't all given up on me, LOL. It's past time for a new stitching update from me, but I just have been so busy with work and personal issues over the past few weeks I haven't really found the time to blog much.
As I reported in my last post, I had some major carpal tunnel like flare ups in my wrists at the end of January the derailed my Crazy January plans. I had hoped to pick it back up in February, but that didn't happen. By the time I was feeling better enough to stitch, I had to get some projects for my round robins done, and well, there you go. Best laid plans. Hopefully next year's challenge will go better!
I did consider doing a new project a day type challenge in either April or May but I think at this point I don't think I will do that. I really, really want to finish the stockings for myself and my family for Christmas this year, and if I want to get through all that, I'm really going to have to crack down to have them finished in time.
So since early February although I haven't been blogging, I have been stitching. Thus I have A LOT of updates to share with you.
First of all, last check in I was working on Sweets to the Sweet for WOCS. Well, that one was finished:
It was done on 14 count white aida with charted DMC threads. Didn't make any changes on this one except I didn't attach the charm that came with the pattern. I really like this one, and might do it again, but will probably do it in different colors because by the end I was really sick of that shade of red.
After that, it was time to finish up the motif I was working on in Ink Circle's Garden of Stars for the Sampler Round Robin I'm in:
The only thing I didn't like about working on this one was that I only got to work in one color. Seriously though, the size of this project is MASSIVE. I had no idea from looking at the model photo. Even if you stitched it 1 over 1 I'm sure it would still be huge. The linen on this project was a little fiddly too, which was a little frustrating (had to frog a few things). Over the past year or so I've been doing round robins, I've really become comfortable with stitching over 2 now, but I have to say I think I prefer evenweave over linen because I just don't like the variances in thread thickness or the transparent quality that linen has in many cases.
But, moving on. I also finished up the next square for the WOCS "sweets" theme. This is Chocolate Box by Little House Needleworks:
For various reasons, including time and convenience, I did this one much different than charted. The original has a 2 part border surrounding the chocolates, complete with beads. Since the deadline on this one was coming up, I decided to only do the chocolates themselves and I left off most of the lazy daisy, french knot, and backstitching embellishments. This is also on 14 count white aida, and I used the DMC floss conversions in the chart.
The first project in my Lizzie Kate round robin came to me, so I finished up my section of that one. I forget the name of it at the moment.
Overall it was a pretty quick stitch and nicely cheerful. It was weird to completely start a new project for someone though, LOL. Usually the project owner does a bit before they send it out into the world for the RR's I've participated in before.
My section for February for the sampler round robin was also a really quick stitch:
This is part of Country Cottage Needleworks Snow Sampler, and surprisingly I actually got this done in all one night which is unusual for me. I'm kicking myself for not taking a picture of the whole thing before sending it on though.
So that's it for the finishes, which brings me to my current stitching. First up is the next project in my Lizzie Kate Round Robin:
I'm doing the February Block of the Monthly Stamps Flip-It series. The floss colors were a bit modified by the project owner, but I think it will still be very pretty when finished. I'm actually a little farther along on it than this, but I haven't taken a new picture lately.
My work project is another WOCS square, this one for the Snowman theme. Here's what Let it Snowman looks like lately:
He's much father progressed than the white blog I shared after his start during January. I'm pleased with the way he's turning out, but I'm thinking I will skip a lot of the fussy backstitching on this one. I just don't think he needs it really. I'm hoping to have him finished and on his way soon!