
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grow Your Blog 2015

Today is the day for Grow Your Blog 2015, a lovely event hosted by Vickie over at 2 Bags Full.  This is sort of a virtual blogging networking session, so if you're one of my current readers and you've never heard of this before, head over to Vickie's main post to meet some great new blogs to follow!

For those of you who are new, welcome to my blog!  My name is Alyssa I've actually been blogging for a really long time, just not here.  :)  I started my book review blog The Shady Glade over 8 years ago in 2006.  That blog focuses on mostly book related posts for children's, middle grade, and teen/young adult books. 

In February of 2014, I really got back into cross stitching, which although it's a habit I've always had, it kind of comes and goes.  Well, this time I really got back into it, mostly due to the discovery of the online stitching community.  By September, the idea of creating my own stitching focused blog was starting to circulate, and thus Brownie's Chair was born. 

I use this blog to help keep track of my progress for many of my WIP (works in progress) and I also participate in several SALs (stitch a longs) that have updates posted here.  In 2015, I am hosting one of my own SALs for a Flower of the Month set of freebie designs, so if you think you might like to join that, you can find details about that in my header.  I also do "Freebie Friday" posts, where I share links to freebie cross stitch designs that I have found in my travels around the internet. 

For current followers, thank you so much for visiting and your continued support, and to any new followers, welcome and enjoy the ride!


  1. I just stopped by through Grow Your Blog and am now a follower. It is nice to meet you. Glad to hear you are cross stitching again (it's my favourite hobby). You can visit my cross stitch blog at

  2. Dear Alyssa,
    Welcome to Grow Your Blog party. Hope you'll made some new friends and have new followers in the weeks to come. Happy cross-stitching.. i love cross-stitch too. Big Hugs from Singapore

  3. Already a follower but wanted to stop by and say hello! Love watching your progress!

  4. Lovely blog. As a fellow stitcher, I'll be back to visit! I'm now a follower.

  5. Hi, I'm one of Vicki's helpers, checking all the links for the Grow Your Blog hop. Love your site! Have a great day.

  6. Nice to learn a little more about you Alyssa.


  7. Lovely to meet you, Alyssa, so glad that you have rediscovered your love of cross stitch. You are right, the online cross stitch blogging community are so supportive (and enabling) that it enhances the whole stitching experience greatly. Please come visit me at

  8. Thank you for inviting me to your blog party, Alyssa. Isn't this fun? I've signed up to be a Follower right here and hope you'll do the same when you get to SuZeQ Creations.

    Keep stitching!

  9. Such a beautiful blog! I am so happy to have found you and can't wait to hop around your blog. :)

  10. Hi Alyssa - I was wandering around the GYB party, and all of a sudden went "wait a minute... I see someone else in the WIPocalypse, too... why am I not following this person already?!?" :) I've fixed that! Happy stitching, and now that I actually have your blog on my Bloglovin' feed, hopefully I'll be over here a bit more often! :)

  11. Enjoyed, am following and will return for visits.

  12. Look forward to following you and the Flower of the Month SAL - I've joined also. I just started yesterday, so hope to finish by the end of the week. Love the carnation - since my birthday is this month also.


  13. Hi...just visiting from the blog party! This is my second year doing stitch from stash...last year I spent very very little. This year, I think I will spend a bit's nice to get some extra props for finishes!
    I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog and also I want to visit your book blog...I'm a librarian and a sucker for anything to do with books!

  14. So glad you've gotten back into stitching, always something fun to do! Looking forward to following your blog.

  15. Visiting from eastern Canada. Lots of nice projects here on your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I love cross stitch too, particularly using waste canvas for my crazy quilting projects. It's lovely to 'meet' you!

  17. Cross stitching is my way of relaxing and creating gifts for family and friends. Also, a few for me, too. Enjoyed your blog and have become a follower. I found you on Grow Your Blog.

  18. Goodness your Blog will be so awesome follow, thanks for inviting me, I can't wait to see more.

  19. Hello, nice to meet you! I've just been reading through some of your other posts and am interested to see you've joined the crazy january project! That looks like a fun challenge, I might have to join in one year!

  20. Lovely work, I used to do a lot more cross stitch but I swear the charts are getting smaller, LOL!! Visiting from GYB

  21. Alyssa, your cross-stitching is lovely! I look forward to following your progress this year!
    Renee from Living My Dream
