
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mini Mega Month Madness (2.0) SAL Progress: Week 1

Well, you may be wondering if MMMM concluded at the end of October, why you're seeing another post for it.  The original SAL hosted by Pull The Other Thread did conclude at the end of October, but Justine of Justine's Cross Stitch blog has taken over hosting for November.  So that gives me another chance to finish up those minis I worked on all last month!  Which is good, because they're all Christmas presents anyway...

So here's my latest progress.  I didn't really get much done this week, mostly because I joined a book club last minute a few days before the meeting, so I was attempting to read the 500 page book before that happened Thursday night (I didn't make it, by the way, in case anyone was wondering.  But I tried. :)

All the main stitching on Teton Santa has been done:

And all I have left for stitches on Victorian Tree is to finish filling in the red background.  Sheesh, I never knew background could be so tedious!

So after that's done, it's onto beading, beading, beading (and a little backstitch) for my 6 Mill Hill projects.


  1. What great progress you made! Your Teton Santa is lovely. I would enjoy the background, I find it really relaxing!

  2. Backgrounds are tedious but usually involve mindless stitching! So great to not have to count anything haha. I like your Teton (George Washington??) Santa. :D

    1. He does look a little like George Washington right now, doesn't he?

  3. Great stitching on both. That is a lot of pages to try and read in a short time.
