I actually don't have any of my own work to share today (I'm working on a gift, so it's a secret!), but I do have something to share:
But this isn't my stitching, it's my brother's.
My brother broke his ankle in early May, which followed with emergency surgery and several weeks of complete bed rest. One day when I was chatting with him on Facebook Messenger to see how he was doing (he was pretty bored) we had a conversation that went something like this:
Me: You need a project to help with the boredom. You should take up cross stitch. It's good therapy.
Him: Meh.
Me: No really. I even have a pattern you'd like. Want me to show you?
Him: Sure. (you can tell he's thinking "yeah, right")
*I show him a picture of the pattern*
Him: Actually that's pretty cool.
Fast forward one day:
Him: So are you going to send me the stuff to do this thing or what? Cuz I want to get started.
Luckily I had already kitted up this particular pattern with the inention of starting it myself one day, so I pulled it out and was all ready to send it on the way to him when he informed me in no uncertain terms that he also wanted to be fully kitted out with a needle minder, qsnap, and grime guard.
Well, how can a sister say no to that?
Fast forward to a month later, and now I'm getting phone calls asking what happens when you miss a stitch, how to count not from the center, wanting to just have a day off work so he can work on his WIP, etc. etc. Welcome another stitcher to the family. :) I think I may have gotten him hooked.